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Thank You For All Of Your Support

100% of your donation is tax deductible and going towards the After Orange Success Path Program, which provides the following products & services: 

  • Pick-Up from prison or jail (via our team) upon being released

  • Clothing

  • Hygiene’s (toiletries)

  • Bus passes and support guide to obtain ID and other paperwork needed to proceed successfully as a free individual

  • Food

  • Computers For Our Program

  • Basic Skills Training

  • Rides to other programs like Hope For Prisoners, AA and NA meetings

  • Volunteer training & placement (great for people skills)

  • Job training & placement

  • Ensures a clean bed

  • Initial behavioral health assessment 

  • Planning tools 3 Month & One Year Success Strategy​

  • State License Fees and Application

100% of your donation is going to opening safe, productive and sober housing  for women leaving prison and jail in Las Vegas.

Our mission is to provide education, social services and harm reduction initiatives to people whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system. Helping ex-offenders assimilate back into society and live their best lives. This includes criminal justice initiatives and reform; Re-entry services, housing, rehabilitation services, education; public outreach, awareness, inclusion, transformation and community service.

After Orange, in partnership with Whip, Inc., Nevada Cure, Empowerment Through Training & Education, and Fishing for Heart's excited to announce the relaunch of our Success Path Residency Program. 


The program is tailored to help you pinpoint your purpose and achieve your personal and professional goals, while providing a safe, sober, structured, and supportive living environment upon being released.  Our collective organizations are composed of passionate, purpose driven professionals who are inspired to help you achieve your objectives, while keeping you accountable on your mission.


After Orange has been documenting the stories of formerly incarcerated people upon their release since 2013.  Feeling trapped by a cycle of violence, depression, fear, addiction, pain and worry are among the common challenges we’ve identified in our work.  The After Orange Success Path Residency  Program is perfect for those who are 100% committed to doing the work it takes to succeed.  The way you feel right now is your future so transforming non beneficial thought patterns and behaviors will transform your life.  We’ve created amazing tools to help you!


After Orange opened our first safe, structured, and sober female home in 2017, after identifying the overwhelming lack of places to go upon re-entry.  Our program provides life planning strategies, mind mapping tools, daily accountability meetings, community support with access to Behavioral Health and Social Services, professional skill assessment and training, and access to Nevada Job Connect.  Our collective partnership with Whip, Inc., Fishing For Hearts, Nevada Cure, Hope For Prisoners, True Beginnings, and Empowerment Now is making this possible.

After Orange is a non profit 501(c)3... 

driven by a single goal; to do our part in making our communities a better place for all.

100% of your donation is going to opening a Licensed facility in Las Vegas for eligible parolees to successfully parole into safe, productive and sober housing.

Our mission is to provide education, social services and harm reduction initiatives to people whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system. Helping ex-offenders assimilate back into society and live their best lives. This includes criminal justice initiatives and reform; Re-entry services, housing, rehabilitation services, education; public outreach, awareness, inclusion, transformation and community service.

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