(I understand that this pre-event donation of $100 will only be available for the next 48 hours
and tickets will not be available at this price after Friday night at 11:59pm)
Presale tickets available for a $100 donation until FRIDAY, 3/5 at 11:59pm
It’s happening the First Weekend of June (6/4/21) - 6/6/21)
Meet and hang out with Hosts Brittany and Marcelino at that event
The event is not public yet, so you will literally be first to have access to the event
Fully catered by Chef Win and other community partners
Fun games and prizes to win
Not only will you get first access to the event...but when you donate $100 right now you’ll also receive a signed copy of my book!
What if I can’t make the event?
You will still have first access into our next event AND you are making a donation to a great cause
Where will the event take place?
We will email you all the details so you can plan ahead by early April
When will the tickets be available?
Tickets will be available soon but not at this price. This is the only chance you have to donate for this experience at this price. After tonight, tickets will be
What if the event isn’t fun?
The event is going to be a blast! You’ll get to meet and have fun with the entire team and all of our partners.
We’re going to have a variety of different food and activities so plan on having tons of fun!
Will this price be available when tickets go on sale?
No, this is the only time the donation price will be $100 for this event
After Orange, in partnership with Whip, Inc., Fishing For Hearts, and Nevada Cure, is excited to announce the relaunch of the After Orange Success Path Residency Program.
The program is tailored to help you pinpoint your purpose and achieve your personal and professional goals, while providing a safe, sober, structured, and supportive living environment upon being released. Our collective organizations are composed of passionate, purpose driven professionals who are inspired to help you achieve your objectives, while keeping you accountable on your mission.
After Orange has been documenting the stories of formerly incarcerated people upon their release since 2013. Feeling trapped by a cycle of violence, depression, fear, addiction, pain and worry are among the common challenges we’ve identified in our work. The After Orange Success Path Residency Program is perfect for those who are 100% committed to doing the work it takes to succeed. The way you feel right now is your future so transforming non beneficial thought patterns and behaviors will transform your life. We’ve created amazing tools to help you!
After Orange opened our first safe, structured, and sober female home in 2017, after identifying the overwhelming lack of places to go upon re-entry. Our program provides life planning strategies, mind mapping tools, daily accountability meetings, community support with access to Behavioral Health and Social Services, professional skill assessment and training, and access to Nevada Job Connect. Our collective partnership with Whip, Inc., Fishing For Hearts, Nevada Cure, and Romans Eight Health and Wellness is making this possible.
After Orange is a non profit 501(c)3...
driven by a single goal; to do our part in making our communities a better place for all.